ModernBrain: 2022 State AND Tournament of Champions Winners

awards congress debate speech May 23, 2022

Championship Updates

A few weeks ago, ModernBrain's middle school students took 1st at the California High School Speech Association's middle school state championship. One week ago, we took 1st at the Middle School Tournament of Champions. Yesterday, we took 1st at the SCJFL's CMSF (California Middle School State Championship). That's a clean sweep!
Here are our Middle School Tournament of Champions results. There were over 80 teams in attendance from 19 states, 5 countries—the best of the best. We had more finalists (and champions, and runners-up) than the next two best teams combined:
  • Meera was the CHAMPION, Luna was 2nd, Izzie was 4th, and Grace was 6th in Declamation.
  • Grace was the CHAMPION and Jennifer was 5th in Dramatic Interp.
  • Grace was the CHAMPION and Sophia was 6th in Humorous Interp.
  • Anna was the CHAMPION, Luna was 2nd, and Meera was 6th in Oratory. Arshia, Jennifer, Kexin, and Sophia made semifinals.
  • Meera was 2nd in Impromptu, Luna, Yuqiao, and Evan made semifinals. Izzie made quarterfinals.
  • Izzie was 5th in Informative.
  • Evan (our private student, affiliated with New Age Learning) made semifinals in Extemp.
  • Celine was 9th and Jeremy made semifinals in Congress.
  • Mason and Aiden were the CHAMPIONS in Policy Debate. Audrey/Iva and Zoe/Chenyue made octofinals. Aiden was 4th speaker, Iva was 9th, Audrey was 10th, Mason was 14th, and Russell was 17th.
  • Jolynn made quarterfinals in Lincoln-Douglas Debate. Ethan and Justin made octofinals. Ellie, Amy, and Lilly made doubles. Anya made triples. Ethan was 3rd speaker, Ellie was 13th, Justin was 14th, and Dania Yamani was 19th.  
  • Shiwen/Jeevpreet, Eric/Eric, and Karis/Isabella made triples in Public Forum Debate.

Here are our California Middle School State Championship results. We took 1st place out of the 29 highly competitive academies in attendance with a fraction of our students:

  • Luna was the CHAMPION, Meera was 4th, and Izzie was 6th in Declamation.
  • Luna was the CHAMPION, Suhana was 5th, and Anna was 6th in Persuasive/Oratory.
  • Evan (affiliated with New Age Learning) was the CHAMPION and Mira was 3rd in Extemp.
  • Grace was the CHAMPION in POI.
  • Meera was 2nd in Impromptu.
  • Meera was 4th and Justin was 6th in SPAR. Grace and Vivian made semifinals.
  • Celine was 4th, Lauren (Sierra Vista) was 7th, and Anna (Sierra Vista) was 15th in Congress.
  • Suhana was 5th in Humorous Interp.
  • Jennifer was 6th in Storytelling.
  • Braden and Hans were the CHAMPIONS in Policy Debate. Braden was Top Speaker, Ariel was 2nd, Brady was 3rd, Hans was 4th, and Allen was 5th.
  • Ethan was 2nd and Jolynn made quarterfinals in Lincoln-Douglas Debate. Ethan was 7th speaker, Gavin was 8th, and Jolynn was 11th.
  • Leon/Jeevpreet made quarterfinals in Public Forum Debate. Jasmine was 4th speaker, Vivian was 8th, and Audrey was 15th.

Some of our high schoolers attended the National Individual Events Tournament of Champions (NIETOC), perhaps the most difficult competition in America:

  • Swadesh made national finals (top six out of 130+) students in Oratory--the only student from ANY after school enrichment program/academy to achieve this distinction. He also made national quarterfinals in Extemp.
  • Krishnni and Emily, both freshmen, made national octofinals (in POI and Oratory).

Invitational Tournament Updates

Audrey won a $1000 public speaking scholarship for her work in the Optimist Club's Oratorical Contest!

Our summer courses (in-person and online) are up! You can sign up under CLASSES at the top of this page. Our May discount ends on the last day of the month. Don't delay!

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