ModernBrain develops communication skills for collegiate success.

What class should I take?
If you're not sure which class is best for you, look at the map.
- If you want to see class descriptions and costs, check out our COURSE CATALOGUE (click here).
- If you're looking for private college counseling, you should go to our COUNSELING PAGE (click here).
- if you're a high school graduate, your best bet is a private or custom class. Email us at [email protected] and we'll see what suits you best.

Spring Class Schedule
We have 18 classes across 18 weeks of instruction.
Dates (two-hour classes, one per week):
- The final fall session ends on December 16, 2024.
- Starting date: January 6, 2025 (Monday).
- No class:
- January 20, 2025 (MLK Day, Monday). All missed Monday classes will be offered a makeup class on May 19, 2025 (Monday).
- February 17, 2025 (President's Day, Monday). All missed Monday classes will be offered a makeup class on March 31, 2025 (Monday).
- April 1-April 6, 2025 (Spring Break, Tuesday to Sunday)
- Ending date: May 18, 2025 (Sunday) + the Monday make-up class (May 19, 2025).
- Our Tustin classes are located at 2682 Walnut Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780.
- Our Thousand Oaks classes are located at 1459 East Thousand Oaks Blvd Unit G, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362.
- Our San Marino classes are located at 2549 Huntington Dr #101, San Marino, CA 91108.
- All our online classes are held over Zoom. You'll receive a Zoom link after registering.
- To register for our other sites, go to our partners directly (instead of through us). Their contact information is found on our PARTNER PAGE (click here).
- If unforeseen circumstances occur (including but not limited to a coach's car breaking down an hour before an in-person class or an outbreak at an in-person site), ModernBrain reserves the right to move up to two classes per semester from an in-person to an online class. ModernBrain will alert the impacted families to the change ASAP.
Health and Safety:
- ModernBrain endorses the use of great health resources like the Covid Safety and Planning Guide from the IUSD and materials provided by the Orange County Health Agency. Please click here for more information.
- We mandate that all in-person teachers and students follow the masking rules and health and safety guidance of the local school/district.
Tustin Classes (All Times Pacific)
Online Classes (All Times Pacific)
Thousand Oaks Classes (All Times Pacific)
San Marino Classes (All Times Pacific)
Register for Classes
Here are your final steps! Please follow them closely.
- Click on the link below and select your class(es).
- Select the times and locations for your class(es) from the drop down bar.
- If you believe you're entitled to a discount, write us a message at [email protected]. We'll send you a coupon--personalized to you--to deduct the cost of your credit from the classes you want to select. Our coupon-based discounts include:
- EARLY BIRD #1: If payment and registration are completed before November 22, 2024, you get a 8% early bird discount for non-competition-team classes or a 3% discount for competition team classes (automatically reflected in the sales link below).
- EARLY BIRD #2: If payment and registration are completed before December 16, 2024, you get a 3% early bird discount for all classes (automatically reflected in the sales link below).
- MULTI-CLASS: If you register for two classes, you get a 10% discount on the second class. The discount applies to the less expensive of the two classes. [This discount does not apply to any private lessons.]
- COLLEGE: If a student signs up for a college counseling package (not a private session) and another ModernBrain class, including a Nationals Team competition class (in the same year), they are entitled to an additional 5% discount on the other ModernBrain class (one per semester).
- PRIOR CLASS CREDIT: if you have class credit with us, let us know so we can deduct it from your total before you make a purchase.
- All of our classes are discounted if students join after the start of the semester. This discount roughly matches the prorated value of the class in addition to (1) the time a teacher must take to update a student on the class's expectations and (2) access to the lesson material they missed. Join any time!
- You must sign up and pay for a class at least 48 hours before attending that class. If you would like to purchase a class and attend class the same day, please call us at 1-707-466-6686. We need this time to make sure there is room in the class and, if not, to add another teacher.
- Pay for your class(es). You'll receive an email confirmation.
- Roughly a week prior to the class's start time, you'll receive a welcome email with any additional information you need to participate (if you're registering after the class's start time, this timetable will vary).