Leadership and Entrepreneurship Exploration (LEE) Program - For 7th-9th Graders!

admissions counseling Aug 29, 2024

We'd like to introduce our ModernBrain families to a fantastic opportunity hosted by one of our partners: the Leadership and Entrepreneurship Exploration (LEE) program (for 7th-9th graders).


The LIL Leadership & Entrepreneurship Exploration Program (LEE) offers a unique, high-impact ecosystem designed to help students create, lead, and innovate. 

By the end of the LEE program, each student will have designed a unique project that reflects their personal interests and talents. This signature project will play a central role in their profile-building and eventual candidacy, ensuring that they stand out far apart from the crowd.

Hands-on Experience:
At the heart of the LEE program is the opportunity for students to launch and lead their own projects. This hands-on experience is invaluable, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges.

Expert Guidance:
Students won't be navigating this journey alone. With direct mentorship from industry experts and top professors, participants receive personalized advice and feedback, ensuring that their projects are not only innovative but also viable.

Comprehensive Support:
From crafting business plans to legal incorporation, LEE supports all facets of entrepreneurial education. The program’s comprehensive support ensures that students are well-equipped to turn their ideas into reality.

Tailored Resources:
Students gain access to the LIL ecosystem, including the LIL Venture Fund. This provides them with the resources and networks needed to bring their projects to life.

College Readiness:
With the increasingly competitive college admissions landscape, tangible project experiences can make all the difference. The LEE program equips students with these experiences, enhancing their college applications and setting them apart from the crowd.

Program Structure

  • 1:1 or small group settings ensure personalized attention.
  • The program includes 8 sessions, supplemented by office hours, and the possibility of access to industry experts within the students' chosen domains.
Make An Appointment For A Free Info Session